Personalia. | |
Name | Jacqueline Corine van Vugt |
Date of Birth | 22 april 1970 |
Company | Melief Film |
Professional Qualifications | |
2010 | Binger Directors LAB, directors program. |
2006 | Scriptlab, synopsis to script, Script School Amsterdam. |
1991- 1995 | Dutch Film and Television Academy, NFTVA Amsterdam. Director of Photography. |
1988- 1991 | Technical University Delft, Architecture. |
1981- 1987 | VWO 1st. Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum, The Hague. |
Further Education. | |
2023 | Scripteditors-course at scriptacademy (The Netherlands), by Gemma Derksen and Henk Burger. |
2021 | Travis Technique , On Line 5 months course, directing actors. |
2019 | Journalism in war-regions, NVJ, de Harskamp. |
2018 | Travis Technique , Los Angeles, directing actors and scriptediting. |
2017 | Sources 2, script, Norway-Barcelona; Miguel Machalski. |
2014 | Sources 2, script, Norway-Vienna; Michael Seeber. |
2012 | Script editing course by Franz Rodenkirchen, Binger. |
2001-2002 | International Comenius; ‘Vision and Leadership’, Oxford, Bologna, Montpellier, Leuven, Groningen, Prague. |
Additional. | |
2017-present | Jury member ABFF Amsterdam ‘Hood Film Festival’. |
2016-2018 | Board Member Vevam; protection intellectual property directors and filmmakers./td> |
2010 | Research and writing on Narcocorridos, Mexican drugs music, for magazine UN. |
2005-2009 | Advisor Media fund, The Netherlands. |
2005 | Photo exhibition, El Rey Gitano, Sound Garden, Amsterdam. |
2002 | Jury member Netherlands Film Festival, Feature Length Fiction, Documentary, Shorts. |
1992-1993 | Photo exhibition in Paris and Amsterdam, organised by WG Art. |
1990 | Architectural work with Maarten Min, Bergen. |
1989- 1990 | Stylos, Student board, Vice President, faculty of Architecture, Delft. |
1989 | The European Assembly of Architecture Students, Marseille. |
Laguages. | |
Dutch | |
English | |
Spanish | |
French |
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